Masters of movie soundtrack

Translation: Without the right soundtrack, the movies wouldn't be the same.

Understand the work of two movie soundtracks masters.
Morricone X Vangelis Festival, two movies in sequence.
on 3rd and 4th day at 10p.m on telecine cult alternativo

*This is a famous popular sexy music in Brazil*

lyrics: Piririm piririm...somebody just called me. Who did it? Im your fire ball and im f******* hot, but its on the beach...where i will launch'' fashion''. Are you ''burying'' me in the sand? No, no...Im sticking you there.
Im getting stuck...calm calm down naughty...

Redação: Alex Mendes
Edição de imagem: Jeanine Brandão
Sonorização: Fábio
Direção de criação: Eduardo Mourão e Eric Menezes

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